Saturday 26 February 2011

Bloody rain....

   Whey! Day 4 of the diet and I'm feeling pretty okay, my sugar intake before I started this wasn't that bad, I don't drink tea or coffee on a regular basis, I tend to stay away from fizzy drinks and I'm more of a savory than a sweet kind of person. So I think that may work in my favor as I'm not missing sugar much. (I do have the odd craving for Haribo though :(!) I'm trying to stick to this 2 liters of water a day but I am struggling, I've never drank so much liquid in my life. Let's hope it's as good for me as they say!
   Worked out my carb count from yesterday and it was at 14.something grams, which is better than I expected. I made a lovely Moroccan style lamb dish for dinner last night, as the men tucked into pizza, chips and spaghetti! Unfortunately tablespoons of  some of my spices seem to be quite high in carbs (according to the net anyway) so it was only lightly spiced but I made up for it with chili flakes! I've read they can sometimes help speed up weight loss. Is it true horseradish can help speed up your metabolism or is it an old fish wives tale?
   I still have half of my lamb breast so I'm thinking of slow roasting it and cooking off some mushrooms in cream and black pepper. Never made anything like that before so I hope it turns out okay.
   I wanted to go for a walk today along the canal path but it's bloody freezing and was raining this morning so I know the paths going to be all slushy under foot. (I'm not stable on my feet at the best of times so I'm not risking it!)
   Anyway just a short blog for today I think, I'll let you know how the lamb got on if I cook it! Have a good day folks! x

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