Tuesday 22 February 2011

Full of goodness!!

Well hello again, Hope you all had a great weekend!
     It's 4:00pm on what can only be described as my real Day One. I actually woke up and weighed myself, (which would have been a good start yesterday!) was pleasantly surprised as I thought I'd put more weight on that I have, kinda made me more determined to shift this load as I now feel as if I have less of a way to go. (Still not happy with the scales straining under me though! It's a good job it can't report abuse!)
    I also got paid today so I headed into town and brought all my supplements and a few bits an pieces to make meals out of over the next few days. Managed to spend £30, (Although £2 of that was on a gorgeous red candle and a photo frame!) this diet better work or I'll be a broken pig instead of a poor twig!
    So anyway, my other half had an interview for college at 9am this morning (Shock horror, he actually made it on time!!) so I went shopping and got my vitamins, fish oil, Co-enzyme Q10 capsules etc. The only thing I didn't pick up was the Psyllium capsules. I also picked up a new water bottle that holds 700ml of liquid and I'm aiming on drinking at least 3 of those a day! so far I've drank one & a half.
    Well I'd finished grabbing all my bits and pieces by about 10am (This girl don't mess around ya' know!) and ended up sitting in the car waiting for the other half to be finished. I then realized I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast and didn't think I had picked anything up that I could eat "on-the-go" as such. Until I remembered I had olives and cashew nuts, so I nibbled a handful of each and finished off my bottle of water and I was all good! 
   My food shopping list for today consisted of; spinach, rocket salad, celery, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, a mayo that's low in carbs, brie, double cream, broccoli, olives, plain cashew nuts & German sausages.
This is my smoked salmon & Gouda salad!
    Out of the food I'd brought I decided to be a little experimental and had a go at making a slightly different coleslaw I guess. I thinly sliced some celery and julienned a carrot about as long as middle finger, then I added some shredded ice burg lettuce and a desert spoon of mayonnaise and a sprinkling of pepper. (taste's good, give it a go!) So when I was satisfied with the result of my creative low carb coleslaw I added on a few slices of smoked mackerel and Voila! Lunch was served.
     This was looking pretty good at this point but it lacked colour...so off I ran upstairs to Google low carbs in veg and was delighted when radishes came up 0.2!! so I thinly sliced a single radish and added to garnish. It looked delicious and didn't taste half bad either!
     Oh yeah last night was our first night back at Zumba after 2 weeks off. (Damn illness & Valentines day for getting in the way of our party time!) So Toni headed over to Jay's early so we could both do the video blog of us trying out the chocolate whey protein drink, for her running account of our diet. I must admit it wasn't too bad, initial reactions of it were not good, as you shall probably see (If I ever get the link off her!!) But in all honesty I could drink one of those as a meal in the morning. Maybe not just before doing a high impact dance workout tho eh Toni!?!? I shall also never do it in Ugg boots ever again, (man I looked like a pleb!) Especially next week when we shall be filmed doing said high impact dance workout. The things I do for my diet buddy! I'm an awesome friend!

    Right well I'm gonna sign off and grab a shower! Thanks for reading, hope you're not keeping this blog all to yourselves and you're sharing it with all your friends and relatives! x

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